Home Travel and Places Friends “branch out” with the Woodland Trust in the National Park

Friends “branch out” with the Woodland Trust in the National Park

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Friends “branch out” with the Woodland Trust in the National Park

News provided by Friends of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs on Wednesday 21st Feb 2024

Friends of Loch Lomond & The Trossachs Chairman, John Urquhart, donned his waterproofs recently to spend the day participating with other volunteers in the Woodland Trust’s tree planting exercise at Glen Finglas estate, part of the Great Trossachs Forest National Nature Reserve. On the day, the second phase of the planting was completed, putting in 200 hazel and 70 oak trees. In an area of 0.33ha, a total of 150 oak trees and 500 hazel trees will be planted on a west facing slope on generally well drained mineral soil, with the area having been stock fenced prior to planting. All planting stock is grown from seed sourced on the estate and aftercare will involve manual bracken/weed control in late May and July/August as required.

The Friends hope to establish links with conservation bodies in the National Park and are looking forward to working with the Woodland Trust again in the future. Indeed, there are plans afoot to hold a volunteer “Make a Difference Day” to assist with more tree-planting on the estate towards the end of this year.

Friends “branch out” with the Woodland Trust in the National Park

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Friends of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs, on Wednesday 21 February, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Charities & non-profitsEnvironment & NatureTravel & Tourism

Published By

Friends of Loch Lomond and The Trossachs

07496 433134
https://www.lochlomondtrossachs.org.ukVisit Newsroom


Friends Chairman John Urquhart (L) with Hamish Thomson, Estate Manager at Glen Finglas

Friends Chairman John Urquhart (L) with Hamish Thomson, Estate Manager at Glen FinglasVolunteers (L-R) Gill Corden, Maggie McCallum, Hamish Thomson, Alan McMurray, John Miller, Ruth Maclean

Volunteers (L-R) Gill Corden, Maggie McCallum, Hamish Thomson, Alan McMurray, John Miller, Ruth Maclean

* For more information regarding media usage, ownership and rights please contact
Friends Of Loch Lomond And The Trossachs.

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Friends “branch out” with the Woodland Trust in the National Park

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Friends “branch out” with the Woodland Trust in the National Park

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