Home Travel and Places Come And See The Largest Gathering of The Iconic London Routemaster Double-Decker Bus

Come And See The Largest Gathering of The Iconic London Routemaster Double-Decker Bus

by EVAdmin

Come And See The Largest Gathering of The Iconic London Routemaster Double-Decker Bus

News provided by Routemaster Association on Wednesday 1st May 2024

RM70 will be the largest gathering of Routemasters anywhere in the world for over 10 years

In 2024 the first Routemaster bus, RM1, will be 70 years old.

To celebrate this anniversary, the Routemaster Association are hosting RM70 a free family event at Chiswick Park in London over the weekend of the 20th and 21st July 2024.

RM70 will be the largest gathering of Routemasters anywhere in the world for over 10 years and will offer visitors a unique opportunity to see (and ride) these beautiful old vehicles in the very location where trainee drivers were once put through their paces – on the infamous Chiswick skid pan.

Now mostly in private hands a record number of buses are already booked in to attend this free family event so for photographers RM70 will present a unique photo opportunity with an expected line-up of 70 preserved Routemaster buses on display.

As well as an impressive line-up and free rides the event will also include trade stands and a unique Routemaster bus that has been converted into a bar bus.

Chiswick Park was chosen for RM70 due to the site’s historical connection with the Routemaster bus. Before today’s modern business park was built the site was home to one of London Transport’s main bus overhaul works and was famous for being the place where trainee drivers were put through their paces on its impressive skid pan.


The Routemaster Association was formed in 1988 with the aim of supporting new owners who had started to acquire examples of this London icon following the commencement of large scale withdrawals from London service. The Association’s principal aims are to share knowledge and operating experience, provide technical information and help with obtaining spare parts. Membership includes enthusiasts and prominent figures from the transport industry and bus preservation movement.


David Lee, Press & PR Officer

07881 583561

email: press@routemaster.org.uk

Press release distributed by Pressat on behalf of Routemaster Association, on Wednesday 1 May, 2024. For more information subscribe and follow https://pressat.co.uk/

Historic Event
Routemaster Association
London Bus
Family Event
Bus Rides
London Bus
Vintage Vehicle
London Transport
Travel & Tourism

Published By

Routemaster Association

https://routemaster.org.ukVisit Newsroom


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Routemaster Association LogoRM70 Logo

RM70 LogoPress Release pdf


* For more information regarding media usage, ownership and rights please contact
Routemaster Association.


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Come And See The Largest Gathering of The Iconic London Routemaster Double-Decker Bus

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Come And See The Largest Gathering of The Iconic London Routemaster Double-Decker Bus
The Largest Gathering of The Iconic Routemaster Double-Decker Bus in London at RM70

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